The Tricky Cheetah


“In the chase between cheetah and deer… many times the deer wins. Because the cheetah runs for food, and the deer for life. Remember…. Purpose is more important than need.”

I decided to write about the cheetah this week because they are amazing animals. The cheetah  is the world’s fastest land animal. They can run 70 mph (or 110 kph), which is as fast as cars drive on the highway. That is incredible! I could ride a cheetah to school and get there in the same amount of time or less. I also love their patterns, no two cheetah’s are exactly alike, and I know people say that all of the time, but it’s true, and I think that it is kind of amazing. There are 7,100 cheetahs left in the wild, and all of them have a different pattern on them. Another cool fact is that the cheetah can reach its top speed in just 3 seconds! That is really fast, and I feel bad for any of its prey.

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